When I was a child, I was extremely sensitive to the sun. If I was out for even a short period of time, I would burn and blister! As a result, I learned to pay attention to the quality of light. I knew that the soft, warm light of morning and evening were best for my skin. I believe it was this sensitivity to light that has served me well as a photographer.
Many years ago, I was stationed in South Korea and developed an interest as well as a respect for Asian culture. For a young man from the industrial midwest who had done virtually no international travel until that time, it became an important experience that continues to impact my life to this day. Many years would pass before I had a chance to actively pursue that interest. In the past 10 years, circumstances presented an opportunity to travel to South Korea and Japan and it has been an enriching experience for me to visit Asia frequently. It is a personal journey of spiritual and creative growth.
Many years ago, I was stationed in South Korea and developed an interest as well as a respect for Asian culture. For a young man from the industrial midwest who had done virtually no international travel until that time, it became an important experience that continues to impact my life to this day. Many years would pass before I had a chance to actively pursue that interest. In the past 10 years, circumstances presented an opportunity to travel to South Korea and Japan and it has been an enriching experience for me to visit Asia frequently. It is a personal journey of spiritual and creative growth.
The story continues ...more chapters to be written, more chapters to be imagined.